Thursday 31 December 2015

Are you fake?

The wonderful thing about bloggers is that they are supposed to honest. They can't have a price tag put on them. They will not sell out. Or will they? More and more bloggers are coming under fire for being fake and giving fake reviews.

So what is the big deal? Well, as blogging becomes more professional, more people are turning to them for honest reviews. Awesome. Sounds great. But are bloggers really being honest? Or have they fallen to the trappings of fame and fortune (or freebies)? There have been whispers around the campfires for a while that reviews done by bloggers are fake, untrue, or just down right lies.

So who is to blame? Is the blogger for selling out? Bloggers are undervalued and most only get offered free products or exposure for writing a review. And if they write a negative one then they run the risk of brands not wanting to work with them. Or are the brands to blame for undervaluing bloggers in the first place? Lets be honest, a free product or exposure does not pay the bills. Some bloggers feel pressured by big brands to right a positive review in the hope that they can work together in future (and maybe get paid next time). Or is it the reader's fault? Blogs are like brands. Hell, blogs are brands! And so many people are quick to dismiss the work that goes into a blog. "It's just a hobby." Yeah, well Huff Post started off as a hobby and it's now one of the biggest websites in the world.

One thing is clear, bloggers need to get back to their roots and give unbiased feedback on products and not be afraid of brand backlash. But that doesn't mean being unprofessional. If you can give a professional negative review, you need to stop blogging.

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