Tuesday 10 January 2017

Ask a stupid question

When I was in school, I was told that there was no such thing as a stupid question. No matter how stupid the question, we were encouraged to ask it. If it was a stupid question, the other kids laughed and you felt dumb for a minute. But it was more important to the teacher that you asked and ultimately learnt something.

When it comes to blogging, there is a minefield of different things to take into account. Do you want to blog for money? Then you need to learn about tax laws, international rules, and basic accounting. What about SEO? The side of blogging which is all about how good your site shows up in search engine results. And what is your DA? It's important to know how when your blog is doing with general analytics.

What I have just talked about will be double-dutch to some people, bloggers included. And that is fine. What is not fine is asking about all of these things and hearing what you want to hear. This is a massive problem in the blogging community. Time and time again, these questions have popped up in the Facebook pages.

"What is DA?"
"I just got offered a sponsored post, do I need to be registered as self-employed?"
"How do I register as self-employed?"

The list is endless....and it's not that we don't mind answering these questions, it's the fact that I have seen the same question pop up in my newsfeed ten times a day. But let's imagine that they didn't see the original poster asking for the same info that they want. Where would you go for info on a subject? That's right, Google.

I love helping people. I love the blogging community. But for crying out loud! If you start a post with, "this might be a stupid question but...." then yes, it probably is a stupid question that we have answered a million times before, so take your ass over to Google, do your own research first, and if it's still gobbly-gook, then post your question.

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