Tuesday 10 January 2017

Ask a stupid question

When I was in school, I was told that there was no such thing as a stupid question. No matter how stupid the question, we were encouraged to ask it. If it was a stupid question, the other kids laughed and you felt dumb for a minute. But it was more important to the teacher that you asked and ultimately learnt something.

Saturday 2 January 2016

Truth by Omission

If you blog, or follow blogs, you will be aware that bloggers often post product reviews. Sometimes, these will be items they have purchased themselves. Other times, they will be reviewing items sent to them by brands and PR companies.

Put your nice side on social media

Ah! Facebook. Twitter. Social media in general. How did brands manage before? It used to be TV, newspaper ads and mailing lists. Now brands can talk directly to their customers and people that are interested what you do. And when we say brand, we mean business, charity, organisation, local knitting group or whatever other mix you can think of that is "official". It's very important to keep your brand's social media in perfect working order. So why do so brands put absolute idiots in charge of the tweeting?

Thursday 31 December 2015

Are you fake?

The wonderful thing about bloggers is that they are supposed to honest. They can't have a price tag put on them. They will not sell out. Or will they? More and more bloggers are coming under fire for being fake and giving fake reviews.